Monday, August 8, 2016

July 10, 2016 - Vancouver 5150 Standard Distance Triathlon

21st Female Overall, 4th Female 40-44

After putting my lower back out at the gym on the Wednesday preceding this race, I thought it would be another "miss" in this year's race lineup.  Vancouver 5051 under the Ironman was the Canadian Championships and inaugural event in Coal Harbour.  Fortunately, my awesome chiro and massage therapist got me back in working order just in time to race - literally.  I didn't know I was going to race until my run warm up on race day proved I was pretty much pain free.  I called my husband, told him I was going to race, and asked him to put money on my parking meter!  No time to get nervous!

It was super fun to swim in Coal Harbour because no one usually swims there and the views were awesome, although the water was really dark and cold because it is so deep for the port. I had a good swim and came out of the water in good position.  I cycled well but had difficulty getting off the bike - my back was really stiff and my left calf was threatening to cramp.  I have a lot of racing experience and pushing through is not new to me.  I got out on the race course and my back and leg loosened up in the first km.  My run was steady but not stellar, at a slower pace than I'm used to and would have liked.  But the course, through Coal Harbour, around Stanley Park and back to the finish in Jack Poole Plaza, was very beautiful.

Me on the seawall:

A picture of the little one surround by "buoys" after her Ironkids 1km race the day before:

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