Monday, August 22, 2011

Kelowna Apple Triathlon - Olympic Distance National Championships

August 21, 2011

While I didn't achieve the result I wanted, I am satisfied with my race. I am satisfied because I executed it as well or better than my other races this summer, and I was in good position coming off the bike. But I cramped near the end of the bike, again in transition and spasmed on the run. And this made for a VERY painful and slow run. Like 8 minutes off normal pace slow. And 8 minutes was the difference between meeting my goal (Top 20 or better, meaning Top 10) and finishing 57th. (Wow, I didn't like typing that result.)

This is a picture of my swim start. I am out in front on the far right, setting myself up to come out of the water with the leaders.

Still out in front with a few other girls.

Working hard on the bike.

Me struggling on the run. I don't know how Chris managed to make me look like I was moving.

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