Saturday, December 10, 2011

Canadian XC National Championships

November 26, 2011 - Vancouver, BC

Masters Division (Female 35-39) - 3rd

I slipped and slid away around the 4 loop, 8 km run course at Jericho Beach on a very cold, very rainy Saturday morning. It was my very first cross country race and I was the only competitor at the start line without spikes on. Cross country running is a lot different than road racing (not a surprise) and a lot of fun.

I think I might try XC racing next season. Could be fun!

Tuesday, August 23, 2011

Tugboat Beach After Nationals

On the beach with my biggest fan and biggest prize.

Monday, August 22, 2011

Kelowna Apple Triathlon - Olympic Distance National Championships

August 21, 2011

While I didn't achieve the result I wanted, I am satisfied with my race. I am satisfied because I executed it as well or better than my other races this summer, and I was in good position coming off the bike. But I cramped near the end of the bike, again in transition and spasmed on the run. And this made for a VERY painful and slow run. Like 8 minutes off normal pace slow. And 8 minutes was the difference between meeting my goal (Top 20 or better, meaning Top 10) and finishing 57th. (Wow, I didn't like typing that result.)

This is a picture of my swim start. I am out in front on the far right, setting myself up to come out of the water with the leaders.

Still out in front with a few other girls.

Working hard on the bike.

Me struggling on the run. I don't know how Chris managed to make me look like I was moving.

Wednesday, August 10, 2011

Subaru Sooke Olympic Distance Triathlon

August 7, 2011

3rd Female Overall, 2nd Female 30-39

A great race despite crushing my face on a pontoon during the swim warm up, falling going into T1, fumbling with my bike helmet, and getting stung by a wasp minutes before the bike finish.

Monday, July 18, 2011

Peach Triathlon - Olympic Distance Provincial Championships

July 17, 2011


A huge disappointment. A huge personal failure. But being emotionally healthy proved to be as important as being physically healthy when toeing the line, especially for such an important (to me) event.

My athlete eggs are all in one basket now. Next up: Nationals in five weeks.

But first a week in wine country where I hope to regain my emotional fitness.

Sunday, July 3, 2011

Subaru Vancouver Sprint Triathlon

July 3, 2011

4th Female, 1st Female 30-39

Canada Day 2K Swim

July 1, 2011

My worst open water swim in a long time driving home the fact that a proper warm up is crucial.

41st Female, 7th Female 35-39

Scotia Bank 5k

June 26, 2011

3rd Female?

A horribly disorganized race: no count down, long course, and no manual results tracking.

Tuesday, June 21, 2011

Longest Day 10k

June 17, 2011

35th Overall, 8th Female, 6th Female 16-39

Sunday, May 29, 2011

Whistler Adult Sprint Tri

May 28, 2011

3rd Overall, 1st Female, 1st Female 35-39

First Tri in over 2 years. Led the swim and stayed out in front to about 50 m into the run. First out on the bike meant I cleared the bears off the course for the others. Love Whistler!

Mother's Day 5k - #11 BC Timex Road Running Series

May 8, 2011

44th Overall, 12th Female, 3rd Female 35-39

Dave Reed Classic 5k - #8 BC Timex Road Running Series

March 26, 2011

BC 5k Championships

95th Overall, 25th Female, 1st Female 35-39