Tuesday, September 20, 2016

September 17, 2016 - Vancouver Eastside 10K (BC Provincial 10k Championships)`

51st Female Overall, 4th Female 40-44, 9th Masters (40+) Overall

Racing in both the competitive Senior Open and Masters Divisions, I ran the Vancouver Eastside 10k last Saturday in torrential rain.  It was my first time on the course, which offered a fantastic tour of Vancouver's downtown Eastside, featuring the wharves, Roger's Sugar and Gastown.  The course was super hilly and challenging - I ran well but finished slower than planned - such is racing.

Since I'm racing the BMO Okanagan Half Marathon in three weeks, Coach Andrew had me run home from the race - another 45 minutes easy in the pouring rain.

Here I am at home - drenched but happy:

Sunday, September 4, 2016

September 2, 2016 - Americas Masters Games Triathlon (Standard)

1st 40-44 (Gold), 2nd Female Overall, 11th Overall

Racing on a stormy Friday morning at Locarno Beach:

On the podium with my Gold medal:

I can't help noticing that I look tired after getting up at 4AM to eat and racing hard in cold conditions.

At Jack Poole Plaza, Celebration Plaza, for Closing Ceremonies on the Sunday after my race: