Monday, October 19, 2015

Monday, August 10, 2015

August 9, 2015 - MEC Langley Sprint Triathlon

2nd Female Overall, 1st Female 40-49

I'm still not sure what happened in the swim, but another solid race, particularly on the bike and run. The bike and run routes were super hilly, which made for a slow but super fun race. Langely's rural areas are very nice.

After the race in the finishing area:

Sunday, July 19, 2015

July 18, 2015 - VOWSA Kits Challenge

2nd Overall, 1st Female Overall


Waves came up during the warm up.  This added to my nervousness although I LIKE swimming in rough water.  They hit us in the face from the start to the 1st buoy, then we swam with them hitting us from the side, first from the left, then from the right after we turned to complete the loop.

Sighting was hard as a result and the waves pushed us towards the beach. We fell into the troughs between swells as we swam. I LOVED it and thought that I was on pace, but the conditions were slow.  Still, technically and tactically, I had a great race.  Picked up a draft at the 1st buoy and dropped her at the 4th buoy when she got pushed off course by the waves.

Catching my breath after the race:

In my Sugoi Brand Champions "Podium" jacket with my 1st Overall ribbon and my little one:

Sunday, July 5, 2015

July 5, 2015 - Subaru Vancouver Sprint Tri

6th Female OA, 1st Female 40-44

Forest fires in the Coast mountains created "perfect" race conditions in the middle of a heat wave in Vancouver by covering up the sun.  After several windy days the ocean was pretty calm.  A near perfect warm up followed up by a well executed race, resulting in, well, excellent results!

Coming out of the water in 7th (currents took me a little far west):

Finishing the bike (after seeing only Carolyn Hubbard on the bike course, just before the turnaround):

On the run (where I passed Carolyn Hubbard in the finishing shute after hunting her down):

With my little one, who won the 500m IronKids race on Saturday:

Saturday, June 27, 2015

June 19, 2015 - Longest Day 5k (BC Championships)

25th Female OA, 6th Female Masters

Race conditions were perfect and I followed the race plan for the very hilly route. Finished behind two pros, an Olympian & a varsity runner in the Masters Division.  I ran in good company!

The little one ran the kid's mile with her dad :)

Sunday, May 31, 2015

May 31, 2015 - Science Fair (Family) Fun Run

1km in 5:59!! 21 seconds faster than last year!!

An amazing family experience once again. Plus we kicked The White Spot Chicken's butt!

Before the race - all smiles:

After the race - all smiles:

May 10, 2015 - Fairmont's Mother's Day Run

2nd OA, 2nd Female OA, 2nd Female 40-44

Led the race for 4km - a unique experience running with a leader bike!

A well organized event that I would have liked to won - for real!

Really enjoyed the brunch at the Terminal City Club afterwards with my daughter and husband :)

April 12, 2015 - MEC Vancouver Race Three

4th Female OA

A well run race! Executed perfectly with a hint of fitness!